
Planning and Development

Asbestos was long viewed as one of the most versatile minerals because of its flexibility, tensile strength, insulation from heat and electricity, chemical inertness and affordability.

The versatility of asbestos made it attractive to many industries and is thought to have more than 3000 applications worldwide. Australia was one of the highest users per capita in the world up until the mid-1980s. Approximately one third of all homes built in Australia contain asbestos products. The widespread use of asbestos has left a deadly legacy of asbestos material.

Asbestos containing materials (ACMs) can be categorised as friable and non-friable. Non-friable asbestos, where it is mixed with other materials like cement, is the type most commonly found in our built environment. Friable asbestos is more likely to become airborne. 

Both friable and non-friable asbestos pose a significant health risk to all workers and others if the materials are not properly maintained or removed carefully. In the built environment, potential health risks are posed where there is:

  • the presence of ambient levels of asbestos
  • weathering of ACMs
  • the presence of damaged ACMs
  • building and/or maintenance work involving ACMs and
  • demolition and/or removal of ACMs.

The risk of exposure from the built environment is broad, with the potential to impact the entire Australian community. 

Heads of Asbestos Coordination Authorities (HACA) - Local Government Fact Sheet

The local government fact sheet details where asbestos may be found in a home and who to contact for the safe management,…

Licencing Requirements for Removing Asbestos

Since 1 January 2008, a bonded asbestos licence has been required in NSW to remove more than 10 square metres of bonded asbestos material…

Amendment to Exempt and Complying Development Codes

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Asbestos) Regulation 2009 and State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and…

Before Taking Asbestos to the Landfill

Most landfills will not accept asbestos without prior booking or notification. Always contact the landfill beforehand to find out when asbestos is…

Safely Disposing of Asbestos Waste From Your Home

Breathing in asbestos fibres can cause diseases, but if in sound condition and left undisturbed, fibro products are not a significant health risk…

Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the lungs. It is almost solely caused by…