Microchipping your pet is a simple two-step process which gives them lifetime protection.
The first step is microchipping cats and dogs must be permanently identified through microchipping by 12 weeks of age. Inside the chip is a number which can be read by scanners to identify your pet. You will need to make an appointment with your local vet and pay the applicable fee.
The second step involves registration through Council, or online at www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au, by six months of age. The Statewide Register records all microchip numbers, linked to owner details. This enables you to be contacted if your pet is found.
The Pet Registry provides access for breeders and other pet owners to update their contact details, transfer ownership and register their pets in one-step and online.
Veterinary Practitioners and other authorised identifiers can record the identification information for those cats and dogs they microchip using the Pet Registry. Pet owners can then create their online profile and ‘claim’ (lock) their cat or dog to their profile.
When registering your pet you will need to bring to Council all relevant documentation, such as the Microchipping Form, Sterilisation Form, Pension Card and Breeders Card (if applicable) and pay the applicable fee.
For more information: Department of Local Government – Companion Animals
The NSW Government is committed to promoting responsible pet ownership and improving animal welfare standards.